Friday, November 8, 2013

                                                               November 8, 2013

My research has uncovered some frightening information. I have been having a reoccurring dream about this dark figure. It changes all the time. Sometimes I feel like it is just a dark mist, sometimes it seems like a writhing mass of arms or tentacles, sometimes it's an animal- deer or goat like in appearance, and other times I am in a wooded area and I mistake it for a leaf cover tree. These images haunt me. I spent yesterday at the university library. It seems like the creature I am dreaming about is a deity named Shub-Niggurath. She is the elder god known for her thousands of young. She was worshipped by people as a fertility goddess. I don't know what this all means or what it has to do with the lake, the white lady, the babies that disappeared and this piece of amber I have. I still haven't figured out what it is contained inside the amber either. I'm going to go research more on this. If anyone has any ideas let me know. I will try to check back here periodically today. I'm going to be on the move so I'll do what I can.


  1. Sarah, Investigator Lucian here, I've been working with Mr. Constantine and had some unfortunate contact with someone claiming to be the late Anna Lyons, but I'm wondering if you could get us a better image of your piece of amber, so that us investigators can attempt to identify what's inside, thank you, keep safe! I think it's wise to keep on the move.

  2. Sarah,
    The Lyons settled in CT exactly 300 years ago, by your research. With all of the miscarriages that Anna went through, I have to wonder if she didn't try to pact with a dark entity of fertility to produce a child which was taken from her.

  3. Lucin- the object seems to almost change a little depending on ho you look at it. For the most part it looks like a mass of ropey type things.

    Donnie- I am a little closer to home now and was able to find some archives about the Lyon family. Anna's relatives were cultists that worshipped such things as Shub-Niggurath. Maybe it wasn't witchcraft, but another kind of dark magic that made people suspect her relative of being a witch. Great thinking about a pact. Now if we can figure out what it has to do with these things happening to me before whatever it is finds me.

  4. Ok, I'm going on an awful lot of assumptions here, and we're throwing reason out the window, but at least it's a theory...
    Through one avenue or another, we assume Anna is tied to Shub-Niggurath.
    I am also presuming that Anna, the so called White Lady, is responsible for the recent missing children. By one motive or another, she is claiming them.

    I have no theory on who brought you the amber piece, or why, but is it possible that the object trapped in the core of that amber is a preserved offspring of an ancient god of fertility, sometimes called The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young?

    It's likely that your activities at the lakeside that night have somehow marked you. And perhaps that is Shub-Niggurath's child you're carrying around with you, and the beast wants it returned. My suggestions? Take it to the lake and let her have it, or destroy it. I cannot say which action might be best for you or humanity.

    By the way, have you looked into your own genealogy?
